
Welcome to my blog! I examine music through a queer lens. Enjoy & remember to stay fabulous honey.

My MNEK Top 10 Countdown

My MNEK Top 10 Countdown

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MNEK is an artist who mixes different eras and genres of music from black culture like 70s soul, late 80s new jack swing, 90s RnB and Hip-Hop and recontextualizes it in a queer setting that is completely new and fresh. His latest album is called Language and it feels fitting because MNEK seems to be taking music from various different eras and creating a new language and space in music for Queer people who are also black.

He's a triple threat as well. MNEK is an accomplished songwriter who has written songs for some of the biggest names in pop music such as Madonna, Beyonce and Christina Aguilera. He has a phenomal voice and charisma to spare as an on stage performer all which was very evident when I saw him live in D.C.

So without further ado here is my top 10 MNEK songs which are just my subjective opinion.

10. Valentino

Ok so I am slipping this song in since it didn't make my Years & Years list. According to MNEK he and Olly recorded this song months ago and just kind of sat on it until Olly texted MNEK one day asking if he wanted to drop the song on Valentine's day and shoot a quick music video in Stockholm where Years & Years was touring at the time. This story is a great example of how streaming and social media has completely changed the distribution model and consumption of songs within the music industry. You couldn't do this 15 years ago. If you had a song you couldn't just drop it whenever you felt like it. You needed it to be attached to an album or at least a soundtrack and you needed to promote the heck out of it. Now artists can drop songs when they feel like it and are more in control of their own music and content and that is a good thing for the future of music.

As for the song itself it's obvious Olly and MNEK have a close friendship because they have great chemistry on both the song and the music video itself. So many looks are served throughout this music video. The friendship these 2 have is special and a joy to watch.

9. Deeper

This song has an amazing baseline and beat and is very catchy. The choir adds a lot more power and soul to it as well. Easy to miss this song since it's not on an album or EP but we'll worth tracking down.

8. Crazy World

This is the MNEK song that gets to me the most emotionally. It deals with the bigotry and hate people deal with every day and that it's crazy that we are still dealing with this when we should have been past this a long time ago. I'm just gonna quote my favorite part in full because it really gets to the heart of the matter.

"A father is disappointed by his son

Somewhere in this crazy world
He's told him that he's in love with someone
Less her and more him
He's coming out, he can't keep it in
Somewhere in this crazy world tonight
Somebody's trying to live their lives
Trying to survive (to survive, yeah, to survive)
But you won't believe that it's true 'til that someone is you."

People are not allowed to live their lives because of other people's ignorance and hate. This prejudice goes unchecked too often because most people think it will never happen to them but it can and will if we don't keep this kind of bigotry in check ourselves.

7. Every Little Word

Now this song is most definitely influenced by New Jack Swing. I could easily hear Rodney Jenkins producing this song between 1988-1991. This is off MNEK’s debut 2015 EP and while he wasn’t as out and fabulous as he is now he was already a fantastic songwriter and singer. I actually love this 2015 EP. While 3 out of the 5 songs are on this list all 5 songs are well worth your time. I was happy that he performed all 5 songs from the EP when I saw him live in D.C.

6. Wrote a Song About You

This is another winner off MNEK’s 2015 EP and in fact it probably has the best melody of the 5 songs. This is fitting because the whole song is about music and how through melodies we can express our love for others in ways language cannot.

5. In Your Clouds

Whereas Every Little Word is very late 80s/early 90s New Jack Swing RnB, In Your Clouds reminds me of 70s soul with light 90s Hip-Hop production. It must be that flute which is fantastic btw! After 4 songs that are all bops, MNEK slows things down for the final track off his 2015 EP and it’s a wonderful song to chillax to. The more I hear this one the more I love it.

4. Correct

As great as MNEK’s 2015 EP is, his 2018 album Language is truly the moment MNEK comes into his own. This is the album where he owns his Queerness loudly and proudly which he announces immediately on the album opener Correct. Here is uses Hip-Hop bravado and flips it on his head by making it a Queer anthem which has the best phrase in his entire catalogue “Stay Fabulous Honey.” There’s lots of genre mixing going on with Correct between its salsa opening, heavy dance bass, the raping during the bridge and more. MNEK proves himself a master of genre hopping here while still not losing sight of hooks and melodies. It’s a perfect opener for Language as it announces MNEK as a pop star like no other as well as one who demands your full attention.

3. Tongue

Correct is about genre hoping but Tongue shifts gears and changes keys in ways that are even bolder and more dynamic than Correct. The song never stays in one place for long and keeps you on your toes while throwing out hook after hook. This is my husband’s favorite song by MNEK and I can hear why. This should have been a huge hit and the only thing I can think of that was holding it back is the fact that the mainstream still isn’t comfortable with openly Queer pop stars, especially ones who are not white. Nonetheless Tongue is still a triumph of songwriting, performance and production coming together to create an absolute bop for the ages.

2. Colour

This is the song that got me into MNEK when I first heard it on the Queerbops playlist by Vardaan Arora (another openly gay pop star who I will cover at some point.) This is probably the most straight ahead pop song on Language and MNEK probably hoped that it would connect with a larger audience as a result. It’s an anthem celebrating diversity and lord knows we need songs like this now more than ever. It’s a really cute pop song with a great message and the music video showcased that perfectly.

1. Body

When I finally sat down to listen to Language this song is the one that grabbed me the hardest. I just think Body has pitch perfect production which makes every moment engaging and catchy for me as a listener. This is not as daring as Tongue or Correct but it has a melody to die for and it’s also pretty damn sexy too. When I looked at the set list from MNEK’s New York City performance, which was the night before his D.C. show, I didn’t see Body on the set list which definitely disappointed me. I knew I was still gonna love the concert but it was my personal favorite. So when he finished Colour and announced he was going to sing the song that follows it on Language I let out a huge “YAAASSSS!!!!” in the club and people definitely turned around and look at me! I didn’t care MNEK was gonna sing my favorite song by him and it will probably be the last time he performs it live since it is a deep cut. So thank you MNEK for making my night by performing Body live!

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