
Welcome to my blog! I examine music through a queer lens. Enjoy & remember to stay fabulous honey.

My Myylo Top 5 Countdown

My Myylo Top 5 Countdown

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Myylo is openly gay singer/songwriter who was initially based in Nashville. His first 5 song EP called South was based much more in country and folk but his second EP I'm a Nice Boy sees a shift in both style and tone. The music off his latest EP is much poppier and more dynamic. Myylo's sense of humor and quirky personality shines a lot brighter here than before giving the songs a much more distinct flavor. The catalyst for this shift appears to be Myylo being much more open and honest about being a gay man in both his music and interviews. He now writes songs from a gay perspective which he didn't do on his first EP. While the debut EP is solid and I have a particular affinity for the title track South, I am gonna focus on the 5 songs from I'm a Nice Boy and rank them. I recommend starting with his latest EP and go back to the first EP afterward.

5. Cyborg

Myylo is hands down one of the best songwriters we currently have right now gay or straight. He projects so much of his personality and humor into his music that it feels completely new and fresh which is a hard thing to accomplish these days. Every time I hear a song by Myylo I know only he could have delivered this song. Cyborg features many of Myylo's quirks and humor. The part where he sings "Well you still call me on my birthday. I guess that's a sign." and then he sings in a dramatic whisper "I'm a Pisces" is unbelievably charming and cute. When I saw him perform Cyborg the whole audience laughed after that moment. Myylo and his music are endearing and fun in a way that can connect with a larger mass audience while still feeling completely personal and unique at the same time.

4. Lack Of You

This is the most emotionally resonate song off I'm a Good Boy as Myylo remembers a boy he used to have a huge crush on. My favorite line is when Myylo sings "It's been 4 or 5 years I still write about you, pathetic!" This line is clever because it's both meta and emotionally crushing. It gives us a direct glimpse into who Myylo is as a songwriter and as a person. It reminds the listener that they are listening to a song but it pulls you in further by making the storytelling feel more authentic and occurring in real time. Myylo is really good at pulling off this balancing trick between meta humor and emotional honesty.

3. Be My Baby

The first single from Myylo's second EP immediately announces that this is the new and improved Myylo. The production is not only poppier but also much more layered and ear grabbing than the debut. Myylo also doesn't dance around this song being a gay bop from the beginning. The first EP showed Myylo was a promising singer/songwriter but with Be My Baby if feels like we are introduced to the real Myylo for the first time. Still at his core Myylo is a singer/songwriter in a very traditional way like John Sebastian of The Lovin' Spoonful. Like Myylo, John Sebastian was another singer/songwriter who dressed up his folk songs with pop production in the ‘60s but could perform them all stripped down to just a guitar and his voice. Really the more I think about it the more I feel Myylo is the John Sebastian of gay pop and since I adore the Lovin' Spoonful that's probably why I am quit taken with Myylo.

2. Jonesing

This was the first songs I heard by Myylo. It was on the Q Review playlist on Spotify and I remember listening to it on vacation when I was visiting my parents in Hawaii. From the start Myylo's personality was grabbing my attention the most. Later I realized what a gem the song really is. Jonesing deals with the difficulties of long distance relationships and as someone who was in a long distance relationship for 2.5 years I can vouch for how difficult and emotionally draining they can be. Luckily my husband and I made it but I realize we are the exception and not the norm and it's something I never want to do again. Myylo brings his own spin to the situation especially the part where he sings "How do I keep you a part of my life?" and then he responds to his own question with a befuddled "Well....I don't really know?!?" With this moment in the song Myylo is able to get to the heart of the matter while still bringing a goofy smile to your face

1. Doc Martens

The thing that jumps out first with this song is the bass. In general the second EP has much stronger and more pronounced bass than the debut EP had which emphasis how much more pop this second EP is. From the beginning this is a danceable bop and Myylo is in peak form throughout with his witty observations. In particular I love the lead up to the chorus where Myylo sings:

"Get him back to my house
Kiss him up in my bedroom
Spilling all of our secrets
Curled up on my pillows
Making bacon in the AM so
We don't break up 'til the morning."

These lyrics and their delivery capture the rush of an early crush when you are still completely in the smitten kitten stage. Yet it also feels unique because Myylo puts it in a Queer context that we are not used to hearing from men, especially openly gay men, in pop music. Again it's a testament to Myylo's strengths as a songwriter and his courage to be open and honest about his sexuality that makes songs like Doc Martens feel fresh and new. This is the kind of song that should be all over the radio and maybe someday it will be. In the meantime I'll just keep playing it over and over again.

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Gay Marriage Goes Pop With Cub Sport

A Lesson in Kindness from Myylo

A Lesson in Kindness from Myylo